Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Making a Canteen

I was given a dried canteen gourd so decided to make my very own water canteen.

You will need to sand the gourd with a fine sand paper or steel wool.

Cut a hole in the top. I used my pocket knife. Make sure your hole is the size of your stopper. I used a stick I whittled for my top, but you could use a dried corn cob if your gourd is big enough. Remove the seeds then melt beeswax to coat the inside. I used beeswax from my Dad's hives and melted it with a solar oven. That's pretty much all you do! You can see how I decorated mine from the picture with me and my brother. If you're a girl, you could paint it. I use this on hikes and it holds water very good. Hope you enjoy this project!


  1. Kaden, where can you find a canteen gourd?

  2. Shannon, you can find them at my house or you can plant them yourself.
